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Development Workflow

Code Style

Follow the Code Style and Standards section.


Running Tests

# Run all tests
make test

# Run specific test file
pipenv run pytest tests/path/to/

# Run with coverage
make coverage

Writing Tests

  • Place tests in the tests/ directory
  • Follow the same directory structure as the source code
  • Name test files with test_ prefix
  • Use pytest fixtures for common setup
  • Aim for 100% test coverage for new code


Local Debugging

  1. Use Python debugger (pdb):

    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

  2. VSCode debugging:

  3. Set breakpoints in the editor
  4. Use the Run and Debug panel
  5. Configure launch.json for your specific needs


  • Use the loguru module
  • Configure log levels appropriately (debug, info, warning, error, critical)

GitHub Workflows

The project uses several GitHub Actions workflows:

Main Workflow (main.yml)

  • Runs on every push and pull request
  • Performs linting and testing
  • Checks code formatting
  • Generates coverage report

Documentation Workflow (deploy-docs.yml)

  • Builds and deploys documentation to GitHub Pages
  • Triggers on pushes to main branch
  • Uses MkDocs Material theme

Docker Workflow (docker.yml)

  • Builds and pushes Docker images
  • Runs on releases and main branch pushes
  • Tags images appropriately

Release Process

  1. Update version in pyproject.toml
  2. Update
  3. Create a new release on GitHub
  4. Tag the release following semantic versioning
  5. CI/CD will automatically:
  6. Build and test the package
  7. Deploy documentation
  8. Push Docker images
  9. Publish to PyPI